Sunday 13 September 2015

Spotlight: Monica Beggs by Sheri Fredricks

Book Blurb

Monica Beggs is more than the hottest porn star out on DVD--she's Finn Daniel's next assignment.

Lights. Camera. Lube?

Famous porn star Monica Beggs has wrapped up another grueling on-location movie shoot when the Colombian cartel attempts to kidnap her. Their guns are as real as the price on her pretty head.

Former Special Ops and present day surfer, Finn Daniels recognizes a lady in distress when he sees one—especially when it’s his adult film crush being hustled out the door. He’s no longer in the business of busting up the underworld, but that doesn’t deflect his moral compass.

In a fast-paced adventure--over land, sea, and air--playing it hot and heavy can only lead them straight into action!

Pick Up Your Copy!

“You’re lying. Do you know who we are? Who we work for?”

Finn pulled a tight smile and lifted his brows high. “Nope. Should I?”

“Believe me, amigo. You don’t want to know. Walk away.” He returned a sharkish smile showing crooked teeth. “If you leave now, I may let you live.”

Was this blowhard for real?

Finn laughed and motioned to the two stiffs sprawled between them. “How about I make you the same offer, amigo? I took out your guys in less than thirty seconds.” He stopped with the smiles and pinned the guy with a military-grade stare. “Forget your plans with Monica Beggs.”

About the Author

Always on the hunt for the uncommon things in life, award-winning author Sheri Fredricks thrives on creating one-of-a-kind adventures.

A former engineering secretary, she lives on California’s beautiful central coast. "I wanted to move away from a profession of inflexible right angles and create an unboxed world with no boundaries." A voracious reader since her early years, Sheri found her brain crowded with stories of her own. "Ultimately," she says, "my husband encouraged me to write them all down."

Winner of the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award and a Finalist multiple times for InD’Tale Magazine’s Reward Of Novel Excellence award (RONE), she has numerous five-star reviews everywhere eBooks are sold.

Sheri loves to spend time at home and connecting with readers. A computer hutch keeps her focused on creating stories, but the panoramic view of life on a ranch will call her outside to play in the sun.

Find Sheri Online!

Tour Wide Giveaway!

There’s an awesome tour wide giveaway. One lucky commenter from the tour will win an e-set of Sheri’s entire backlist!

Follow the Tour!

Stop by every day and check out new excerpts, guest posts and interviews with Sheri! The tour schedule can be found HERE


  1. thanks for the chance and congrats

  2. Hi Melissa - thank you for inviting me here today!

  3. Oo love a hero that's a spot dangerous. Thanks so much for hosting Sheri this week!

  4. Great blog post thanks for sharing
